BravePicks 2023 - CENTURY The Conquest Of Time #13

December 19, 2023, 5 months ago

news heavy metal bravepicks century

BravePicks 2023 - CENTURY The Conquest Of Time #13

Where does the time go? 2023 seems like a blur as we continued to rebound from COVID, the music industry still struggling to get back on their feet. But metalheads have always been strong survivors and music ruled the day, with countless memorable albums and live shows happening more than ever! 

But lets celebrate! It is that time of the year to unveil our annual BravePicks countdown, where the devout scribes at BraveWords cast their votes at the hits and misses of the year! So who will be our #1? You’ll find out as we count down the BravePick Of 2023 each day in December! 

Everybody has an opinion and it’s time for ours! And stay tuned in January for the writers’ individual Top 20s (new studio albums ONLY), Top 5 Brave Embarrassments (a fan favorite!), What/Who Needs To Stop In 2023? and Metal Predictions For 2024. All will be showcased come the New Year!

BravePicks 2023

13) CENTURY - The Conquest Of Time (No Remorse / Electric Assault)


Newcomers continue to the scene continue to impress! The heavy metal fountain of Sweden has churned out another quality act – this time in the name of Century. Forming in 2020, the duo already sound like a seasoned act on their full-length debut The Conquest Of Time. This is classically done trad metal done right with just enough of a raw edge of to it. There’s an anthemic vibe augmented by twin lead guitar work with laid-back vocals. The fact this was done by two guys makes it even more incredible.

Big things are in store for Century and this one should not be missed as The Conquest Of Time triumphs at #13.

BW’s Mark Gromen was in praise of The Conquest Of Time scoring the album an 8.5; an excerpt below:

The full-length debut spans nine songs, ranging from 2:41 pre-release single "Breakthrough", to 6:40 finale "Servant Of The Iron Mask", although the latter is the only one eclipsing five minutes. Searing guitar and drum shuffle introduces "The Fighting Eagle" and the album takes flight. After the chorus, there's a spirited guitar break, while the smooth vocals occasional veer for the higher end, even before the concluding scream. "Black Revenant" adopts a more moderate tone, the lyrics more to the fore. In the latter third there is an airy, sedate instrumental section that fades out. Ultimately, it segues into more aggressive "Sinister Star", the prior slow down only heighten the contrasting styles. Plenty of riffing, little bit of echo on the voice and a punchy, sing-along chorus. This time the guitar break seems lifted from some of Jake E. Lee's work on Ozzy's solo album.

"Victim In Chains" recreates that early ‘80s British shuffle drum pattern and simplistic, but infectious guitar. The title track thumps to increase importance of drums, as the vocal pitch trills a bit higher, but still within the "normal" realm. Midway through, it switches tact, opting for an increase in speed (sans lyrics, which only reappear for two shot stanzas, right at the end). "Master Of Hell" clicks by effortlessly, seemingly never greater than half its 4:03 length. "Distant Mirror" walks a similar line to the aforementioned "Victims". Good stuff. Early favorite "Breakthrough" is the most exciting song I've heard in a couple of years: combining yesteryear with a fresh, young urgency. Spacey synth kicks off the mammoth (by comparison) closer, which is punctuated by a few more screams.

BravePicks 2023 Top 30

13) CENTURY - The Conquest Of Time (No Remorse / Electric Assault)
14) GRIDLINK - Coronet Jupiter (Willowtip)
15) KAMELOT - The Awakening (Napalm)
16) MUTOID MAN - Mutants (Sargent House)
17) SOCIAL DECLINE - Beyond The Gates (Autotunes)
18) ANTHEM - Crimson & Jet Black (Reaper Entertainment / Ward)
19) WARMEN - Here For None (Reaper Entertainment)
20) BURNING WITCHES - The Dark Tower (Naplalm)
21) AGELESS SUMMONING - Corrupting The Entempled Plane (Dark Descent)
22) DANKO JONES - Electric Sounds (Bad Taste)
23) DIRTY HONEY - Can't Find The Brakes (Dirt)
24) FROZEN SOUL - Glacial Domination (Century Media)
25) HELLRIPPER - Warlocks Grim & Withered Hags (Peaceville)
26) HITTEN - While Passion Lasts (High Roller)
27) ENFORCER - Nostalgia (Nuclear Blast)
28) GATEKEEPER - From Western Shores (Cruz del Sur)
29) PRONG - State Of Emergency (SPV / Steamhammer)
30) KK'S PRIEST - The Sinner Rides Again (Napalm)

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